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6 Generation Pedigree - Lynn Miller Gaufin

6 Generation Pedigree - Lynn Miller Gaufin

6 Generation Pedigree - Cynthia Gessel Gaufin

6 Generation Pedigree - Cynthia Gessel Gaufin

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

BOYCE (Boyse) Family History: William Boyce

William Boyce
(1824- 1887)

William Boyce was the son of George Boyce and Ann Geldard.


Cory Roche said...

Hi- My great-great grandmother was Andrew Cahoon's second wife. Great-Grandfather was John Pulaski Cahoon. I appreciated much reading your info and would like to talk in more detail if you would like.
Cory Roche

Anonymous said...

Excellent writing , Coincidentally , people need a Misbach 6 Generation Pedigree Chart , my secretary filled out and esigned a blank form here http://pdf.ac/5GuA8Q